Today I got home quite early and was feeling rough with a headache. I'd been planning on celebrating Fill Our Staplers Day but, as exciting as that sounded, the opportunity to nap had presented itself. I made a last minute change of plans and crashed out on the sofa for a bit.

I slept for about an hour and woke up feeling awful. On paper I should love naps, I'm a big fan of sleeping, being cosy and I also generally don't get enough sleep so it would be a great way to top my hours up. But I hate them. I really hate them. I always wake up in a terrible mood and super grouchy. I don't know why, maybe it's because I hate waking up so much and the pain of going through that isn't worth it for less than 6 hours sleep.

Either way naps are the worst. Napping Day… 1/10, I regret having one.
