Project: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Role: Compositor
Company: Industrial Light and Magic
Time on Project: 6 months

This was the first film that I worked on as a compositor at ILM. I was a very junior compositor at the time, so delivering work to the required standard meant that I went through a steep learning curve.

The work that we did was primaily during the climax of the film, in which the Avengers attempt to save the city of Sokovia, which has been raised into the sky by the evil robot Ultron. We did a variety of work, including fully CG characters, CG ships, environment extensions and green screen replacements.

Composite - CG Environment of falling Sokovia, green screen replacement behind Captain America.

Composite - CG environment of falling Sokovia, CG ship ramp, green screen replacement behind Captain America.

Composite - Environment rebuild to replace Mark Ruffalo, CG Hulk.

Composite - Green screen replacement and CG ship.

Composite - Green screen replacement outside windows, add muzzle flash.

Composite - Green screen replacement outside windows, add muzzle flash.

Composite - cleanup to remove James Spader - CG Ultron.

Composite - CG Ultron.

Composite - CG Ultron, environment augmentation.

Composite - CG Ultron and cabinet